The Woodpile

Ruminations on the Modern Lives of Grizzly Bears and the Adirondack Gopher


Nineteen-Ninety-Never going to read it

Fellow blogger Nineteen-Ninety-Never posted a comment on this blog, calling the Woodpile a copycat site.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...

Anyway, you should visit the site and decide for yourself. Or, if you don't feel like wasting five minutes of your life, you can read this excerpt, taken from NNN's concert review of the Raconteurs show at Irving Plaza in early April:
"The guitar solo that followed let me know that we were in for the absolute definition of everything a rock show is supposed to be."
Sounds pretty awesome, dude.

If you follow the link you are in for the absolute definition of everything a hipster is supposed to say.


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