The Woodpile

Ruminations on the Modern Lives of Grizzly Bears and the Adirondack Gopher


Chicago says 'No' to Foie Gras

The Chicago City Council just outlawed the sale of Foie Gras on a voice vote. The Chicago Tribune has an article about it.

Apparently, some treehumper decided that the harvesting of Duck/Goose liver is inhumane because farmers use force-feeding techniques to grow the fowl's liver to up to 10 times the average size. (As a side note, I have a serious problem with anyone using the terms 'humane' or 'inhumane' to describe the treatment of animals. They're animals. And a lot of them are delicious.)

Here's my favorite line from the article:
But Ald. Joe Moore (49th), sponsor of the first-in-the-nation ban, said it sends "a powerful message that we uphold the value of a civilized society."
You're right, Mr. Moore. I'm sure the people murdering themselves over crack in Chicago's housing projects will really appreciate the Council's tough stance on goose liver.


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