The Woodpile

Ruminations on the Modern Lives of Grizzly Bears and the Adirondack Gopher


Thank you, Peter King

Peter King of Sports Illustrated spent draft weekend in New Orleans. This morning, before he answered emails from his readers, he wrote about the outrage he felt after seeing the Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans. Here's an excerpt:
Well, my wife and I were in a car last Wednesday that toured the hardest-hit area of New Orleans, the Lower Ninth Ward. We worked a day at a nearby Habitat for Humanity site on Thursday, and we toured the Biloxi/Gulfport/Long Beach/Pass Christian gulf shore area last Friday. And let me just say this: I can absolutely guarantee you that if you'd been in the car with us, no matter how much you'd been hit over the head with the effects of this disaster, you would not have Katrina fatigue.

What I saw was a national disgrace. An inexcusable, irresponsible, borderline criminal national disgrace. I am ashamed of this country for the inaction I saw everywhere.

Read the entire article here.

If you haven't had a chance to visit New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina ripped the life out of it, do it now.


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